Lack Of Administrative Support For Teachers? Here’s How Administrators Can Help

Teaching is an ongoing learning process, and the most effective administrators know how to support teachers’ growth. In this article, we’ll share five practical tips on how administrators can support teachers.

Research shows that strong teacher-administrator relationships cultivate a positive school culture, help teachers “buy in” to school policies and requests, and ultimately lead to better classroom instruction. These relationships also help minimize teacher burnout. If you’re wondering how to support your teachers as a principal, two of the most important techniques you can learn are active listening and collaboration. Read on to learn more about how you can implement these ideas in your administrative style.

How Can Administrators Support Teachers?

1. Make yourself available.

Administrators should make it clear that they are available to provide support. One way to do so is by having an open-door policy. If this gets too hectic, consider leaving your door open only during certain hours.

If teachers aren’t taking advantage of your open-door policy, circulate the hallways or drop by the teacher’s lounge. Greet your staff by name when possible. Ask how they’re doing and if there’s anything they need. You’ll build a positive culture that encourages your staff to seek help when needed.

When your staff comes to you with a problem, try not to force your opinion (in most cases). Offer some options, explain them, and tell the teacher what you would do in the same situation. Still, make it clear that you trust the teacher to make the decision he or she thinks is best.

2. Build in time for peer collaboration.

Peer collaboration between teachers is extremely effective because it improves teacher relationships, allows teachers to share best practices, and gives new teachers the chance to learn from more experienced educators.

In many cases, it’s especially helpful if teachers can have common planning periods with those who teach the same subject or grade level.

Consider setting up a mentorship program or providing time for newer teachers to observe veteran teachers in the classroom. By doing so, you’re investing in the quality of instruction at your school. You also may want to consider organizing and funding workshops, conferences, and training sessions in which teachers can support each other and share their experiences. Not only should these be tailored to your team’s individual needs and interests, but it’s essential that they involve teachers sharing their knowledge.

Peer-led initiatives such as mentor programs and workshops can be critical in helping your team grow professionally and become more effective in their jobs. It’s important to pay attention to your teachers’ interactions and dynamics to identify those within your faculty who have the potential to be effective leaders. If you can bring these veteran educators on board with your initiatives, they can be a strong resource for the rest of your team.

The importance of peer leadership and collaboration cannot be overstated. By finding and empowering the experienced teachers in your faculty to guide their colleagues, you give them all a chance to improve. The veterans will grow in their leadership skills, and the less-tenured teachers gain the wisdom and insights that can only come with in-classroom experience. Providing learning resources can be valuable, but there’s no substitute for what your most-knowledgeable teachers can bring to these collaborations.

3. Support your teachers’ decisions.

In a survey asking teachers to rank 22 positive administrator behaviors in order of importance, the second most valued behavior was “Supports teachers in matters of student discipline.” (The first was closely related: “Respects and values teachers as professionals.”)

When parents complain about a grading or discipline decision and the administrator sides with the parent, it undermines the teacher’s authority in the classroom and can lead to feeling there is a lack of administrative support for teachers.

Of course, there are some situations when you absolutely can’t support a teacher’s decision. But if it’s not against school policy and is not ethically or morally wrong, do your best to back your teachers and demonstrate that you value their professional opinions and choices. When teachers know you’re in their corner, their enthusiasm and willingness to work with you and for you will increase exponentially.

As a principal, your responsibility is to provide your teachers with a safe work environment, respect their rights and value their professional judgment. When your faculty knows they are being supported by the administration and will be treated fairly, it can be a very strong motivator for them to do their best without distraction.

4. Ensure that evaluations are meaningful.

Teacher evaluations sometimes drive a wedge between teachers and administrators. When it comes to how administrators can support teachers, providing meaningful, fair evaluations is essential.

Remember that the ultimate goal of evaluations is to help teachers maximize their overall effectiveness. To do this, you must provide specific, constructive criticism that guides teachers in the right direction. Knowing how to tell a teacher they need to improve can be just as important as being able to identify where they need improvement.

When you identify areas that need improvement, also mention positive behaviors or strategies you observed in the classroom. You may wish to use the “Sandwich Method” by starting with positive feedback, providing your constructive criticism, and then ending on a positive note.

Be willing to answer questions and discuss your evaluations with teachers. Provide concrete suggestions for improvement instead of general, unhelpful criticism. Using these strategies, you can transform evaluations from a point of contention to a valuable tool that helps your teachers improve.

Because classroom management is such an important element of a teacher’s job, it’s critical for you to provide support for teachers in this regard. Paying attention to how your educators run their classrooms and keep students attentive and engaged can help you guide them to better overall results. Make sure the professional development resources and tools you provide them include those that focus on classroom management.

Another crucial aspect of providing meaningful evaluations is keeping the lines of communication open. This means giving faculty an opportunity to provide feedback during the evaluation process. Although it’s important that teachers be open and receptive to your assessments of their performance, it’s just as necessary that you be ready to accept what they have to say.

5. Listen to feedback.

All great leaders must be willing to listen to feedback. You are the primary decision-maker at your school, but you’ll increase buy-in dramatically if you allow teachers to be part of the decision-making process.

Utilize polls, perhaps through Google Forms, to gather opinions on important decisions (although you’ll have the final say). You can also have a Suggestion Box in the main office. Your teachers work directly with students every day and are a valuable resource for brilliant ideas and creative solutions.

Another core component of supporting teachers is celebrating their accomplishments and promoting self-care. Teaching is often a high-stress profession, and the threat of burnout is very real. Ask your team to share any examples they’ve seen of colleagues going above and beyond so they can be recognized. This can be some of the most impactful feedback you can receive because it can give you a perspective into how your teachers respect and support each other.

Social-emotional learning (SEL) also plays an important role in how teachers perform in the classroom and work together. This is why you should think about implementing SEL programs as part of your overall professional development strategies.

How Administrators Can Support Teachers: Final Thoughts

When it comes to student achievement, a teacher is estimated to have 2-3 times the impact of any other school factor.

This means that in order to help your school and students be successful, you must start by supporting your teachers. If you’re wondering how administrators can support teachers, the key is to offer guidance, provide time to collaborate with peers, offer meaningful evaluations, and treat them as trusted professionals. Taking the time to implement these strategies can make a huge difference when it comes to how your teachers approach their jobs and support each other.

By doing so, you’ll build a positive school culture with low turnover and high achievement.

administrators support teachers

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